Press Your Lips Together

Press Your Lips Together

A bittersweet comedy short about first love.

Available Formats
Exhibition Format Frame Rate Ratio TRT
DVD 25fps 1:1.85 00:11:40

I produced this narrative short in the spring of 2011. I also operated the camera – a Moviecam SuperAmerica. It was written and directed by Daina Oniunas-Pusic.

When Gina Morrison’s daughter, Dahhra, comes home from school in tears with a cut lip, Gina calls the school to find out what happened. Mrs Turner, the deputy head teacher, talks Gina through the series of events that led to Dahhra’s heart getting broken, and the violent revenge she takes. As the two women deal with the problems of adolescent heartache they are forced to confront their own unhappy lives, and reach an understanding of each other’s perspectives.

Moviecam SuperAmerica camera with Kodak 35mm B&W stock.
Arri IIc camera (blimped and wild) with Kodak 35mm B&W stock.