Hairy Crabs

The newly discovered species of crustacean, Kiwa Hirsuta

Scientists said the animal, which they named Kiwa hirsuta, was so distinct from other species that they created a new family and genus for it. The divers found the animal in waters 7,540 feet deep at a site 900 miles south of Easter Island last year, according to Michel Segonzac of the French Institute for Sea Exploration. […] The animal is white and just shy of 6 inches long — about the size of a salad plate. In what Segonzac described as a “surprising characteristic,” the animal’s pincers are covered with sinuous, hair-like strands. It is also blind. The researchers found it had only “the vestige of a membrane” in place of eyes, Segonzac said.

To me Kiwa Hirsuta looks like an H.R. Giger creation. If I were Michel Segonzac I’d be very careful.

Source: Yahoo! News, Tuesday 7th March, 2006.

The Way of the Barbie

Yesterday the sun was shining, the sky was blue and I was seized by an uncanny urge to buy a barbeque, so I did. Refusing to tell Courtney what was up I ushered her into the car and drove to a hardware shop in the town centre.
“Where are we going?” she asked, “I’m so confused.”
I did not reply. I just grinned and let her figure out what was up.

In the event, Courtney was just as excited as me to be buying a barbeque. We settled for a circular charcoal grill with three legs, two wheels, vents on the bottom and a round top. We bought metal skewers, a barbeque spatula, a metal cleaning brush, a bag of charcoal and a bottle of lighter fluid and returned home well pleased.

Yosemite Encore

Mountains reflected in the transitional marshlands of Yosemite Valley, 14th June 2005.

From last month’s trip to Yosemite, here’s the view from a boardwalk across the marshland of Yosemite Valley floor. The falls in the previous pictures feed into this contrasting loveliness.

Email of the Week 18th-24th April

From Jon:

Fearn and me found a live rat in the bin outside the other day and had to kill it. First I tried hitting it with a pole and then tried smoking it out. Nothing worked so Fearn poured boiling water over it. He’s changed now, has a distant look in his eyes like solider back from Nam.

You can’t let a rat go.

This has a certain essential beauty, I feel. Transcendent almost. Quivering, naked, raw.

Email of the Week 11th-17th April

This week, Kelvin:

Oh, last night at about two in the morning, there was a bizarre film about a man without a head, who was worried that his lack of bonce would prove to be a hindrance in his love life, so saved up money to buy a noggin, only to discover, of course, that the love of his life cares not a jot whether he has a head or not, and in fact loves him for who he is.

The first scene I caught as I channel-hopped had the headless one dancing about his poor attic apartment in a tuxedo, Fred Astaire style. I knew immediately that it was French.

Does anyone know what this movie is called and where I can find it?

Email of the Week 4th – 10th April

In a craven attempt to get people to send me more splendidly written email – and so I have more material to fill the blog on slow days – I have decided to blog the wittiest, coolest, funniest sentence/paragraph/section of email I get each week.

This week’s comes from my mate Neil:

Cancelled my psychotherapy session due to cranial fibrillations elicited by last night’s assimilation of a quantity of alcohol toxic to all but the resolutely anaerobic respirers of the amoebic realm. Thus, have time to write sentences so long and ostentatiously verbose as to provoke a green line from my spelling and grammar checker. Currently sweating neat scotch into my dressing gown having only relatively recently attempted verticality.

Friends, readers, you are all fodder.