Trunt, trunt

In A. S. Byatt’s Little Black Book of Stories there is one about a woman who turns into an beautiful and bewildering assembly of stones. Naturally she ends up in Iceland, where the stones are still very much alive. Talking to her Icelandic sculptor friend shortly before her final transformation, he tells her the story of a man who abandons his friends to live wild amongst the rocks. Each year for three years they visit him to see if he’s willing to return to them, and each time they ask what he believes in. The final time he responds, laughing “Trunt, trunt, og tröllin í fjöllunum,”

“‘Trunt, trunt’ is just nonsense, it means rubbish and junk and aha and hubble bubble, that sort of thing, I don’t know an English expression that will do as a translation. Trunt trunt, and the trolls in the fells.”

Ever since I finished the story, trunt has been rolling around inside my head. I love the idea of a word that is so chock-full of nothing.

I Drink Your Milkshake

This weekend has been my first time off from jobs and movie stuff for about two, maybe three months. After ignoring most of the Superbowl, I took Courtney to see There Will Be Blood. Within the first minute she whispered in my ear “I really notice cinematography now.” At that moment I think my heart skipped a beat.

Shooting Bulletins blog now live

Screenshot of Shooting Bulletins blog.

This weekend Courtney and I launched the Shooting Bulletins blog. It’s where we’re keeping a record of our progress as we attempt to make a short movie that will prove my worthiness to be admitted to film school. Check it out if you’d like to see how we’re doing and to find out how you can help us do what we need to do!

We’ll be putting the third bulletin up some time today.

Shooting Bulletins Website Now Live

Screenshot of Shooting Bulletins blog.

This weekend Courtney and I launched the Shooting Bulletins blog. It’s where we’re keeping a record of our progress as we attempt to make a short movie that will prove my worthiness to be admitted to film school. Check it out if you’d like to see how we’re doing and to find out how you can help us do what we need to do!

We’ll be putting the third bulletin up some time today.

The Strangest Village in Britain

This is funny, sad, touching, hopeful and true. It’s about the village of Botton in Yorkshire. I’ve only got so far as the two blokes in the print shop, who have a Goon Show-esque repartee, and if it weren’t time for bed I’d watch it all the way through.

Update: I finished watching. It was mostly quite decent, but the lack of any serious analysis of exactly how the Botton model helps its patients lead meaningful lives in spite of the difficulties they face was troubling. It felt as if the makers of the programme either intended to present a freakshow and make it acceptable by making some nod towards serious analysis, or they wanted to make something serious but lacked the budget to get interviews with experts, or that the programme makers were fairly young and failed to recognise they needed more serious analysis to add weight to the project. I suspect it was a combination of the latter two.

The Journey Starts

This week it’s starting to get serious. I’ve received some useful feedback on my script, I’ve cast an actor, and Courtney’s realising the scale of the project we’re about to embark on. My short movie with the working title “Julie, Julie” is officially in pre-production. In the next week or so I’ll be starting a new website with a “donate” button so people can help fund the project, should they so desire.

Thanks to my script readers: your feedback has been very useful.

More Shooting

This weekend was another orgy of video shooting. First off, most of Friday was spent preparing to shoot, and then shooting a Critical Mass of zombies and pirates. More will become apparent when it’s edited.

Saturday and Sunday were spent on a levee in Sacramento shooting a barbaric pinata massacre for my friend Stephanie. I’m quite pleased with how the footage looked when we played it back in the evenings. There was a distinct Tarantino-esque cruelty to a couple of shots.


Palmer asked me if I could help him with a documentary project he’s working on, so this Sunday we went to Sacramento to interview locally-based outsider musician Lenny G. Blat. Something about him reminds me of the Legendary Stardust Cowboy.

Palmer’s started editing already, and a couple of clips are up on YouTube.

When the camera’s off Lenny is surprisingly warm, and unpredictable. He sings almost constantly, as if he has a musical variant of tourette’s syndrome.

Drunken Fuckwit Mangles Bikes

Last weekend the missus and I headed to Monterey for a relaxing weekend on the Pacific coast. We took our bikes and locked them to the railing between our motel room and the car park. We figured nobody would steal our bikes, they’re not exactly top models. However, when we got home on Saturday evening, after snapping the sunset, a pleasant dinner and a couple of drinks, our bikes had disappeared. Just as the idea of our bikes being stolen was sinking in, we realised the railing was gone too, and the smell of diesel was hanging in the air. Then we found our bikes.

New video: Sustainability Fair 2007

Last week I finished editing a short documentary profiling the Sustainability Fair the Davis Food Co-op held back in July. I could spend ages tidying it up and making it perfect, but I don’t really have time.

If you’re interested in reading my self-criticism, after the jump are some of the bits I’d spend time fixing in an ideal world in which days last 48 hours, I work for eight hours a day and need to sleep for only seven.

Green Window Dressing

It looks like M&S is working to reduce its carbon footprint, which is a good thing. However, their marketing surrounding the introduction of sustainable technologies exaggerates the effect it will have.

The chain’s first wind turbine, in Aberdeenshire, will provide renewable energy to the branches, which bosses say will lead to a drop of 55% in their energy use. This, the company says, will also contribute to the shops producing 95% less carbon dioxide.

[source: Guardian Unlimited]
It all depends on how you define a shop I suppose. If, like M&S seem to, you limit your measurements to the building itself, then you will achieve a huge reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. However a shop is not just a building. It needs to be stocked, and M&S’s goods are still made all over the world and travel many thousands of miles before they reach the shops. The food sold in their shops is often highly processed and overly packaged single-serving meals. Surely carbon dioxide generated by the manufacture, packing and shipping of goods needs to be taken into account when calculating a shop’s carbon footprint. Seen in these terms the reduction in carbon footprint is far smaller. Taking a wild guess, I’d imagine it’s closer to ten or twelve percent.

Now they’re starting to address environmental concerns in the part of the business that is most obvious to the customer, will they extend that thinking into the most polluting parts of their business? Does this news herald a deep-rooted change in their business plan or is their environmental commitment just window dressing?

Playing catch-up

Recently I’ve had ideas for posts, but I’ve either been at work, visiting family, or too tired to be bothered blogging.

I’m determined to make time to write, produce, shoot and edit a short before the year is out, so I’m slotting in screenwriting time when I can. I’m also helping a couple of friends out with shorts, and still trying to finish off editing another couple of projects – one’s work related, the other is not.

What else? I snagged myself a copy of Lindsay Anderson’s If….. I enjoyed it, but would have taken even more from had I not been tired and corpulently well-fed the night I watched it. Court and I rented Truffaut’s Day for Night the other day, and both loved every second, which is rare, and we just watched Miyazaki’s Kiki’s Delivery Service, which was delightful. Now I’ve consumed two feelgood movies in a row, I feel my next cinematic entertainment should be thoroughly perverse.

It will please certain people to discover that Courtney’s been renting DVDs of the re-made Battlestar Galactica this week. I’ve been watching a few with her, and I’m actually really quite impressed. There’s a sense of restraint in the action sequences and with only one real exception, the tension and plotting is good. It also gives a lead role to the guy who played the origami-making cop in Blade Runner.

Three Day Weekend

A three day weekend is a chance to blog! It seems my free time has dwindled to nothing recently, which is OK for the most part, except right towards the end of my week, when I simultaneously want to sleep and have enough fun to reward me for my hard work in the last few days.

Why am I so busy? Two jobs, dear readers, will make one very busy indeed. I already mentioned the job at Davis Media Access. About a month after that I landed myself a part-time position doing grant admin work and other bits and bobs at the Community Alliance with Family Farmers. Both jobs are rewarding in completely different ways, and in both cases I’m learning genuinely useful stuff – for instance, last week I learned an awful lot about pomology. I’m also knocking myself into shape with some exercise.

My heaviest day is Thursday. I’m up at 7:30, on my bike by 8:30. By 9:00 I’ve normally cycled the five miles to CAFF. It’s a pleasant ride. I’ll record it on video sometime. I work at CAFF from 9am-2pm, then I cycle back to Davis for a 2:30 game of squash with my friend Tony. If my legs still work at 3:30pm I can get home, shower, change and bike to DMA by 4pm. I work there until 9pm, although I often don’t get out on time, and if I’m lucky Courtney has dinner waiting for me sometime around 9:30pm.

By doing this I get my 40 hours out of the way in four days, theoretically leaving me three days for fun and relaxation. However, Sundays are currently special project days at DMA, so most weeks I nip in there for four or five hours to get stuff done. Fridays are my Co-op volunteer work days, so that’s two hours on the meat counter, and I’ve started doing a radio programme from 3-4pm also on Fridays on the lovely, endangered KDRT 101.5FM. I’m going to try to make more time to keep my online life a little more up to date.

After much pressure from Eyelashjam I finally caved and joined Facebook. I’m now a little put out that he’s unresponsive to my request to be one of my boyfriends in an open relationship with a bunch of other lads and lasses. Maybe he was put off by my pseudonym. I concede that the idea of getting it on with a dead cabbage-headed Frenchman may be a little grim.

Attack of the Green Testicle

Now I know what it feels like to be Fidel Castro. For some reason I ate an unripe avocado last night, which gave me a itchy swelling in the back of my throat. It seems I’m allergic to unripe avocado. Eventually the itching spread to the insides of my ears and finally subsided after a couple of hours. As I was searching online to find out how serious my situation would get and what to do about it, I discovered my adverse reaction is caused by an enzyme called Chitinaze, of which there is a high concentration in avocado.

More interestingly, I found out that the name “avocado” comes from the Aztec or Nahuatl word “ahuacatl,” which means “testicle,” assumed to be a reference to the fruit’s shape.

Thanks to Courtney for initiating this voyage of discovery ;-)

Quick Tip

Avoid Tom Tykwer’s movie The Princess and the Warrior. It would be a good movie if Tykwer had realised he’d written a black comedy. Sadly for us, he didn’t, and all two and a half hours is played with a schmaltzy, po-faced earnestness which makes it utterly, utterly laughable.

Particularly outstanding among a host of contemptible moments is the bath time electrocution. This is a set-piece I’d been planning to use in my imaginary remake of Parting Shots. I’ve not seen Parting Shots, and nor do I intend to; it’s directed by Michael Winner and it stars Chris Rea, the singer. I want to take just the concept and make a bad-taste murderous revenge comedy, because that’s the kind of movie in which you dispose of characters by electrocuting them in the bathtub with a toaster on a 30ft cable.

In its defence, The Princess and the Warrior is beautifully shot and tidily edited. Contrary to the old adage, it is possible to polish a turd.

Armando Iannucci’s superheroes

This one is particularly great:

Creationist Kid
Jake Huckerman is by day a Baptist maths teacher in Alabama, but by night one of a new breed of superhero, the next stage in man’s evolution unleashing untapped potential within the brain. Unfortunately, Jake doesn’t believe in evolution because he thinks the world was created in six days from mud in God’s fingernails. Luckily, Jake’s unique special power is the ability to jump to a parallel universe in which he does believe in evolution. Unfortunately, he can’t tell anyone, because if he does, his friends and neighbours will hang him upside down from the neck of a negro. He channels all his frustrations into teaching a new kind of geometry to his pupils, showing them how quite literally to square a circle.

From his Guardian article.

Le Samouraï

Jean-Pierre Melville’s Le Samouraï has to be one of the coolest movies ever made. Just the production details offer a foretaste of its coolness: anything made in France in 1967 starring Alain Delon should at least pique a movie buff’s interest. Le Samouraï blends 40’s American gangster movie aesthetics, 60’s French pop culture and a dash of Samurai mystique.

Coming out of Chokey

Last night was my last official night in charge of the Varsity, so now I’m free of those particular obligations, frustrations and quirks. My replacement is a thoroughly nice bloke, and it’s been quite fun showing him the ropes – not least because it’s reminded me of all the bits and pieces I no longer need feel responsible for. My workmates wrote me a cute little card (best line: “Even though you’re going to hell you were a good person.”) and last night’s event was fun.

A group of undergrads rented the place to premiere a movie they’d made. A post-rock tinged band called Buildings Breeding started the night (they had a song in the movie) and I was impressed with what I heard. They list the Beatles, Velvet Underground, Beach Boys, T-Rex, Bowie, The Sundays, The Shins, The Cardigans, Belle and Sebastian, Elliott Smith, Silversun Pickups, Modest Mouse and Band Of Horses as influences, and most of those show in their music. They’re playing at SXSW in Austin soon, and I’ll be interested to see what happens to them after that.

I didn’t get to see the movie, titled Repeat, but from what I saw it looked above average. I’ll be checking out the DVD soon. Maybe I’ll be able to rope in a few of the folks who made the movie to crew for me on future video projects.

Now my time in cinema exhibition has finished I’ll be teaching video cameras and digital editing at Davis Media Access, which is another big reason to be cheerful. I may have another iron in the fire besides that, but I’m going to remain coy about it for now, just in case.