Current work: Prim

Full-length cartoon portrait of game protagonist Prim

This week I’m focused on directing voices for Gothic comedy adventure, Prim by Common Colours.

The Tim Burton and Terry Pratchett influences are pretty clear, and it’s fun working in such an arch comic fantasy register. The voice cast features a number of actors with a track record in narrative and adventure games, including Ivy Dupler (Genshin Impact), Rhiannon Moushall (Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader), Jason Hall (Dragonheir: Silent Gods), Stephanie Cannon (Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes), Toby Longworth (Judge Dredd: Dredd vs Death, Broken Sword), Adrian Vaughan (Armello: The Dragon Clan), and Sally Beaumont (Lucy Dreaming, Mutropolis, Heaven’s Vault). Our lead, Prim, is voiced by Maria Pendolino (Pagan: Online).

I’m not privy to the release date, but I suspect it will be out in the last quarter of 2024 / first quarter of 2025 on Steam, GOG, and all other reputable platforms. Publisher is Application Systems Heidelberg.