The UPS Man Delivered My Baby!

I’ve decided to call her Madeleine. She weighs 12lbs, or less with her lens off.

I’ll post some pictures of her tomorrow.


  1. David Creighton

    Actually, it’s spelled Madeleine (after the biscuit) I believe.

  2. Liam

    Quite correct.

  3. kelvingreen

    Your baby has a detachable lens and is named after a biscuit?

    What has happened to you in California?

  4. Gidget

    Is this the closest we will become to being grandparents? Well dont expect us to baby sit for Madeline; we’d be too nervous.

  5. Courtney

    Haha! Yes, it probably is. But don’t worry, as of yesterday Madeleine is fully insured so dropping her on her head won’t incur any long term damage.

  6. Ros

    Call me puerile, but surely I’m not the only one who thinks ‘she’ looks more like a boy?

    And presumably, it’s detachable. Fabulous!

    R xxx

  7. Liam

    Ah, but considering how physically intimate I get with her while shooting, I’d say Madeleine is definitely a she. I don’t think I’d feel comfortable putting my hands all over a boy camera.

  8. kelvingreen

    Latent poofter tendencies?
    I mean, you *do* dress very well for a bloke…

  9. kilburina

    I know someone called Madeleine…not sure how much she weighs with her lens cap off, though!

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